Chaincode and block event query API

Use this API to query the list of monitored chaincode and block events that have been registered.

1. Interface address: https://PCNGatewayAddress/api/fabric/v1/chainCode/event/query

2. Call method: POST

3. Signature algorithm: required and refer to Section

4. Call parameters

No. Field name Field Type Required Remarks
1 Header header Map Y
2 Body body Map N
3 Signature Value mac String Y
1 user unique ID userCode String Y
2 DApp unique ID appCode String Y



5. Response parameters

No. Field name Field Type Required Remarks
1 Header header Map Y
2 Body body []body Y Event List
3 Signature Value mac String Y
1 Response ID code int Y 0: Query successful-1: Query failed
2 Response Message msg String Y
1 Event ID eventId String Y
2 Chaincode Event key eventKey String N Null if it’s a block event
3 Chaincode Event Notification URL notifyUrl String Y
4 Attached additional parameters attachArgs String N
5 Creation Time createTime String Y
6 PCN ID orgCode String Y
7 user unique ID userCode String Y
8 DApp unique code appCode String Y
9 Chaincode ID chainCode String N Null if it’s a block event
10 Event type eventType String N Returns “block” if it’s a block event; Null if it’s chaincode event


{  "header": {    "code": 0,    "msg": "Query Event Successful"  },  "body": [    {      "eventKey": "test001",      "notifyUrl": "",      "attachArgs": "a=123\u0026b=456",      "eventId": "945ee631d26140118963ad3104c81713",      "createTime": "2019-11-18 14:22:59",      "orgCode": "ORG1571365934172",      "userCode": "lessing",      "appCode": "CL20191107112252",      "chainCode": "cc_bsn_test_00"    },    {      "eventKey": "test002",      "notifyUrl": "",      "attachArgs": "hahahhahhahahahah",      "eventId": "346617a493d84c6d8512b8dddad87811",      "createTime": "2019-11-18 14:29:28",      "orgCode": "ORG1571365934172",      "userCode": "lessing",      "appCode": "CL20191107112252",      "chainCode": "cc_bsn_test_00"    },    {      "eventKey": "test01",      "notifyUrl": "",      "attachArgs": "name=Zhangsan\u0026age=20",      "eventId": "bd3391deedbe44a7ad5b7f80ce59abfa",      "createTime": "2019-11-19 10:52:15",      "orgCode": "ORG1571365934172",      "userCode": "lessing",      "appCode": "CL20191107112252",      "chainCode": "cc_bsn_test_00"    }  ],  "mac": "MEQCIEYXFMa8dfBrjy/s9H5JAoFIrjROJBiw+7/daELUbF5eAiA7a6HvqqbOpv6vlkunHGxCB1o5DoeuJFD0FM6kLoU34Q=="}
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